The Children/Creativity Area – Part One

The Children/Creativity Area – Part One

Do you ever wonder why Children and Creativity are represented in
the same area of the Bagua?

It’s simple! We were all born creative! Creativity is the very essence
of what it means to be human. Children constantly demonstrate
this through innovative games, play, and artwork–unless they are
discouraged by outside influences. Remember back when you were
a kid and you could turn almost anything into a game. A tree branch
magically became a wizard’s magical staff or several cardboard
boxes became your fort, protecting you from evil invading aliens.

Everything is constantly changing and growing. Even every cell in our body is continuously changing, depending on our environment, the
way we treat our body, and our habitual thoughts.

The act of creation puts us into a trance-like state—even when we’re
not aware of it. Brainwave studies show that all children under 9 or 10 have the same brainwave patterns as an adult focused on a creative task or activity. This is especially true when the inner-critic is silenced.

To reach this trance-like creative state, adults must connect with their
inner-child—that part of us that lets go of judgment and simply plays in a creative medium.

Enhancing the Children/Creativity area of the Bagua can help you to do this.


1. The Children/Creativity area is the best location to engage in your
creative activities. This area is connected to the Metal element, which is known
for organization,* cleanliness, and precision. It’s also related to
boundaries. Boundaries are essential for all of our creations: a poem has a beginning and an end; a story that is too long is tedious; and a painting is limited by a frame or borders in addition to the medium used by the artist.

Children do best when they are clear about rules and the
consequences of not following them. Furthermore, having a defined
place to do creative work will support your personal and creative
boundaries. Nothing elaborate is needed. A tiny desk or worktable in
an unused corner of a room will do.

Declare time limits and stick to them. Have whatever creative tools
you use readily available and easy to maintain. Put them away or
organize them at the end of your session. If you’re not able to do creative work in the Children/Creativity area
of your home or office, place a small positive symbol of creativity or a
representation of your intended work here.

2. Place something whimsical or childlike in Children/Creativity to
remind you that no matter how “significant” your projects are you will
accomplish more by relaxing into them. Know that it’s okay to start off
badly and even make mistakes. Think of it as warming up. Just start!

3. Invite the muse (i.e. a symbol of creative inspiration) into your creative space.

The mind loves ritual. And so does the Metal element. A meaningful, short ceremony, like lighting a candle, will create a boundary in your
subconscious mind, alerting it that it’s time to be creative. Meditation, journaling, reading a poem, creating a mind-map, or any other activity
that transports you away from your usual routines, can invite the
muse and put you into a trance-like, imaginative state.

4. To start the flow of ideas, try something new—especially
something creative, not related to your project. Don’t linger or think
too much about it. One quick action is all you need. This could be as
easy as spontaneously changing the layout of your desk, moving a
small piece of furniture, or rearranging a flower bouquet.

5. Placing a collage or painting showing a joyful scene or one that shows children playing and laughing in this area can awaken your
creative state and prompt your inner-child to play in your medium.

6. Finally, approach your project in the spirit of play.

May you be blessed with abundant creative energy!!


© 2/1/12 • Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services

* Recent neuroscience studies show that lack of organization and clutter cause your brain to work harder and tax the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for willpower and keeping fear, anxiety, and impulsive reactions at bay. With regard to creativity you will be much more likely to give in to distractions and impulses, and the willpower needed to stay with your work if you’re distracted by clutter.

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