Feng Shui & The Power of “NOW”

Do you feel that time is speeding up? Almost everyone I talk to believes it is and that there are other big changes happening at a planetary level.

Every indication is that we humans are on an upward spiral in consciousness. By cooperating with the flow, and incorporating the ancient art and science of Feng Shui, we can ease into whatever is next. Also even one living space that reflects good Feng Shui is contributing to lifting the vibration of the entire planet.

In Feng Shui a simple, yet powerful, way of looking at the flow of time is to adjust the Bagua areas of Career, the Center, and Fame.

Among other things, CAREER represents your past and the beginning of your life—starting in the womb. Your past experiences, activities, and memories have moved you forward on your personal path.

Unless the sequence is interrupted, you will recreate and project energy from your past in your future. Therefore, it’s important to become conscious of your feelings and the decisions you’ve made about past events that happened in your life, so that they don’t affect your future–especially unconscious or forgotten decisions.

A significant portion of the past happened either early in life or in a preverbal state. In order to retrieve important memories or decisions, intend that significant hidden portions of your life be revealed to you through your dreams, meditation, journaling, or through work with therapists and healers skilled at assisting you to reveal the past.


Some Ideas for Adjusting the CAREER Area:

  1. If all or a portion of Career is missing, symbolically push the adjacent wall out with a mirror with the intention to fill in the missing area.
  2. Introduce moving water to this area. Examples are to use a fountain or artwork depicting water moving inward toward your living space. And, if possible, direct it toward the Center of your home.


The next area to concentrate on is THE CENTER, which is related to the present moment in Feng Shui. Although the Center is influenced by the Earth element, in relation to time it is actually ever-changing. This is because we live in successive moments of NOW.

Most personal growth teachings, including Feng Shui, emphasize the importance of dwelling in the “Now,” because this instant is the only one you can be fully aware of. When you are able to do this, you are released from worry about the future and negative feelings from the past such as regret, resentment, and guilt. A balanced Center can help you to spend more quality time in the “Now.”

Many scientists believe that the earth naturally gives off a pulse of approximately 7.8 cycles per second, which is similar to our heartbeat. Interestingly, this also coincides with the alpha brainwave rhythm. When we are in alpha, we are in a naturally relaxed, creative state, and focused on the present moment.

Since around 1980, the Earth’s pulse has slowly increased to almost 13 cycles, which reflects the beta brainwave cycle and is associated with a fast-paced, more linear lifestyle. Most of us are in sync with this–moving faster and cramming as much as possible into less time. This means that more is happening in a smaller amount time, causing creation to actually speed up.

When we slow down and add the element of simplicity to our life, the power of Feng Shui is even stronger. We can move more slowly and accomplish more with less energy. Think of the clarity you experience when your desk is clear and organized for your next activity and how inviting it is when you step into your home through an entryway that is clutterfree.

Some Ideas for Enhancing the CENTER:

  1. Adjust the décor of this area to reflect quiet and calm. This is an excellent area for meditating, praying, or journaling.
  2. Spend time daily meditating. Even closing your eyes for a moment and taking a few deep breathes will slow your brainwaves to a relaxed, more creative alpha state
  3. Remove all of your “techie” toys and as many ElectroMagnetic sources from this area as possible.
  4. Add symbols that represent the Earth element, such as comfortable overstuffed furniture and earthy colors such as amber and soft browns.
  5. Artwork should be earthy. Flat desert-like landscapes work well as do pictures depicting square or rectangular structures and landforms. Vases made of clay or other earthy materials are also good. These all suggest a solid base.


The third area is FAME, which represents your future. Fame is influenced primarily by Fire, which is volatile. It can die down to smoldering embers and within minutes be fanned into a quickly moving fire. Our future is also moving, changing, and being newly created, depending on our thoughts and any other stimulus that is present.

This is the area where we set goals and initiate action toward achieving them.

Some Ideas for Adjusting the FAME Area:

  1. Place a clock here.
  2. Make a Vision Board or Treasure Map and place it here.
  3. Work on planning for your future here.
  4. Add reds and greens to this area.

Other Ways to Slow Down Time:

  1. Focus on one thing at a time.
  2. Choose to do less. Tell yourself that if something doesn’t fit into your day, it doesn’t need to happen that day.
  3. Switch off your TV for a month. (Okay, this is harsh, so you may want to choose a shorter period of time. However, if you do this, you’ll notice time slowing down.)

Now is the time to think about what you wish to create in 2013. Spend time this month thinking about how you want the rest of your life to go. Your future is being created in each successive moment of NOW. Your decisions and intentions will have a MAJOR impact on the direction and flow of your life.

May you be fully present & create an incredible rest of your life!


© 12/8/2012 Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services

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