Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck – Feng Shui Tips for Coming Unglued

As I was thinking about this month’s newsletter, I realized that I was feeling stuck and at the crossroads of “what’s next for me.” I had almost completed an article on Mirrors and it just didn’t feel like the right thing to send out.

Then I realized that I needed a good dose of Feng Shui myself. Not the usual adjustments and energy clearing, but it was time to re-address my old friend, Clutter.

Many folks think that getting rid of clutter is the only thing needed for good Feng Shui. Although it’s important, I assure you that it’s only a small part. However, releasing possessions that are not used or loved will definitely bring clarity and get your life moving.

Most of us have at least a few things that need to be released. In my case, it’s paper and clothing. However, it can be anything.

It’s important to note that, clearing clutter, like other areas of Feng Shui. is an ongoing process and it helps to be mindful of your space in the same way you stay in touch with what’s going on with your body on a regular basis. After all, your home is an extension of your body.


From now until the beginning of September is an excellent time to prepare for the transitions that usually accompany the Fall months.

The I Ching, which is a strong influence in Feng Shui, assigns this period to the Earth element. Earth, at its best, is stable and grounding and can assist us in realistic planning.

The I Ching also councils us that life is always changing—often quite subtly. What does this mean during this time where the Earth element is dominant? This is an excellent time to prepare for whatever’s next by simply rearranging things and/or getting rid of clutter.

Feng Shui is based on the premise that everything and everyone around you is a reflection of your life. Once you begin to make positive changes in your space, you will begin make corresponding positive energetic shifts in other areas.

Right now is a good time to move or purge 27 things. Although 27 is considered a magical number in Feng Shui, you don’t need to limit yourself to moving or releasing 27 items. Everyone who has experienced the power of Feng Shui knows that making even one conscious positive change in your space can dramatically shift the direction of your life, open space for you to expand your horizons, and help you to absorb new information.

You can start with a small area like one shelf, a drawer, or the top of your desk to begin to experience a shift in your energy. For a more lasting effect though, dig into any of the deeper levels of clutter that may be lurking in hidden places (or even be hidden in plain sight). Examples are holiday decorations that haven’t been used in years, clothing that no longer fits, or stuff that a grown child has left behind.

Many people store clothing in a larger size than they currently wear. Unless you need a little extra meat on your bones, it’s likely that you are sending the Universe the message that you’re not powerful enough to keep unwanted weight off.

Also, storage under your bed is a Feng Shui “no, no.” Under bed storage stops energy from circulating freely around you as you sleep. Bedding, pajamas, and other things related to sleep are the only acceptable items to store under your bed. However, it’s best, from a Feng Shui point of view, to avoid under-bed storage altogether.

Bless your favorite charity and or a friend with anything you no longer use or need and know that you are creating space for fresh ideas and new experiences to bless your own life.

If you’re one of those rare people who has no clutter, go to individual rooms or areas of the Bagua related to your most pressing issues and begin to move objects around. Make a mental note of anything you’d like to replace. If it’s something inexpensive and simple, do it immediately. Toss or repair anything that’s broken. (Chances are, if it’s been broken for a while, you’ll never fix it anyway.)

For more information on the areas of the Bagua, check out my recent archives for newsletters on specific areas and info on the Bagua in general to see if they spark any ideas.

Wishing you success!
© 8/6/12  Suzanne Metzger  Feng Shui Consulting Services

Posted in Feng Shui Tips.