The following tips apply whether you have a business in your home, an office in a large commercial building, work in a cubicle, or have a desk in a small area of your home dedicated to paying bills and running your household.
It Starts Outside
1. The path leading to your office should be clear and clean. If you work for a large company, you may not have much authority over what happens with regard to the outside of the building. However, if you notice litter or anything out of place, pick it up or do whatever you can to remedy the situation. Even if you’re an independent contractor, renting space in an office building, good Feng Shui actually extends out into the environment around you. Although we’re influenced most by what’s closest to us, the entire neighborhood affects us.
There’s a bonus here. According to the late Feng Shui Grandmaster, Lin Yun, if you pick up litter or do other good deeds anonymously, you contribute to your own good fate. Although this isn’t Feng Shui, it can be a factor in your overall well-being.
2. If the foyer to your office building or home office is narrow, place a mirror on one or both of the side walls near the door. This will open up your thinking and creativity.
3. The doorway into your office should be free from clutter and oversized furniture. Make sure that even the largest person can enter easily without bumping into anything.
4. If possible, have healthy live plants both inside and outside your office entrance. This will bring vitality and clean air into the space. (If live plants are not appropriate, high quality silk plants will still add vitality.)
5. To stimulate money flow both personally and in your business, place a small plant on the left side of your desk anywhere from half way on the left side to the far left-hand corner of your desk.
6. Place your desk so that you can see the door, but so that you’re not directly in front of it. The ideal placement is in the back corner of the room farthest from the door. This will give you the widest view of the entire room, including the door. Whenever possible, your back should be up against a solid wall.
If you’re unable to place your desk so that you can see the door, position one or more mirrors on the wall, your desk or your computer to enable you to have a view of anyone entering.
7. Invest in a new chair, unless you’re sure that the previous owner of that chair was successful. The ideal chair will have a solid, high back to provide support for your work. It will also provide protection from anyone who might try to sabotage or harm you in any way.
8. The addition of a fountain near either your main entrance or in the Wealth area can help to increase your cash flow. Since fountains emit high electrical fields, it’s best to place them at least two feet from any area where you sit for extended periods of time.
You can also use other symbols of Water, such as artwork depicting moving water. No matter how the water is symbolized, it should always be flowing inward toward your working or living area.
9. If you suspect that previous owners or tenants had business or financial problems, consider hiring an experienced Feng Shui consultant.
Fortunate blessings!
©3/5/14 • Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services