The Children/Creativity Area – Part Two
Last month in Part One* of the Creativity/Children’s area, we addressed creativity, but barely mentioned nurturing our inner-child.
The Bagua in Feng Shui represents nine broad fundamental areas of life. It’s no mistake that the Children/Creativity area is one of them. An important aspect that this area represents is your own inner-child.
Other times you would pay attention to this area are whenever your children are experiencing problems or you want to enhance their lives, you want to have children, if you are on a career path that requires constant creativity, you want to feel younger, you’re having difficulty maintaining your personal boundaries, or you’re experiencing health issues related to your lungs, throat, and mouth.
Your inner-child represents much more than fun and play. It gets to the basics of who you are. It includes the basic stages of growth from the embryonic stage, through creeping, crawling, and finally standing upright and walking. It also includes laughing and reaching out for anything that seems interesting. It’s instinctual. As a child, you were fully tuned into the cycles and rhythms of your body and feelings.
When we’re tuned in to our inner-child and its needs, our life is like poetry. There’s a certain meter and rhythm. We can almost sense the firing of neurons facilitating the connection between our brain and body–moving us closer to our wants and needs. We sense the wonder of make-believe and what it’s like to be transformed by the simple act of playing games or imagining ourselves in different scenarios.
Even if you weren’t encouraged as a child to play make-believe, you silently tried on different futures and possibilities for your life. You thought about what you were going to be or do when you grew up? Some of you knew exactly what you wanted to do while others tried on many possibilities. Regardless of how you approached it, you played with your imagination.
Growing up, for most of us, meant that we needed to focus, pay attention, and strive for positive outcomes. This probably meant that that you limited your risks and the element of play was missing. However, whenever we limit risk-taking to avoid failure, we limit our lives to what we already know. Real growth is possible when we lose ourselves in the child-like skill of seeing life as a game and step into it with a positive child-like attitude.
No matter how you were as a child or how you expressed yourself, you gained valuable experience, which translated into information you now use in your daily life.
The inner-child aspect of the Children/Creativity area is also connected with aging—especially feeling old or that you are without options and your possibilities for a positive future are limited. If you want to reclaim or retain your youthfulness, pay attention to the section on enhancements below.
- Display pictures or representations of your current or lost dreams.
- Create and hang a collage depicting your past and present goals.
- Exhibit photos or pictures of happy children playing.
- Display artwork you created as a child
- Hang the artwork of other children.
- If some of the artwork isn’t “happy,” acknowledge that. Then allow yourself to feel the feelings that were present at the time. When these feelings subside, replace it with artwork that expresses what you desire in your life now.
- Place a whimsical item there–something that brings a smile to your face every time you see it.
- If you’re feeling old, hang a picture or symbol of you at a younger age. Add the affirmation: “This or something better.”
- If you love animals, display artwork featuring happy, well-cared-for animals.
For an added bonus, place the artwork or enhancement in the children’s area of rooms located in the Children/Creativity area.
May your inner-child be blessed & free!
© February 27, 2012 • Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services
* Go to read Part One
Suzanne has been a student of Feng Shui since 1987, a professional Feng Shui Consultant since 1997, & an active full-time practitioner in the human potential field for over 30 years.
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