Feng Shui Yourself Into A Smooth Transition

1/1/11~ New Year’s Greetings!

Another year has flown by–and, major transitions are in the air! With time
passing so quickly for most of us, it’s vital to consciously create the future that
you want to live into. Therefore, this month’s article is about helping you set
clear intentions with a little Feng Shui boost to easily move you forward into your
desired future. -Suzanne

Feng Shui Yourself Into A Smooth Transition

If you’re alive, you can bet you’re in transition! Feng Shui teachings are based in part on the I Ching (Book of Changes)which teaches us that life is in a constant state of flux and that, for us to be in balance, we must be flexible and able to go along with the flow.

The New Year marks a time for intentional change; but, of course, any moment offers us the same opportunity to commit to a fresh start.

If you follow star messages, you are probably aware of all the auspicious happenings in the skies during the next few weeks. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon today (January 4th) especially are calling us to let go of the old and move on to whatever is next. It’s a good time to claim your own star-power as you move into the next chapter of your life.

What Do You Want To Happen Next In Your Life? If you don’t know, you won’t create it. So, let’s get clear!

Four steps to gaining clarity (with some Feng Shui insights):
  1. Begin journaling about what you think you want, including the way you will feel, the type of people you will be with, your surroundings, and the kind of activities you’ll be involved in. In other words, write what you’re committed to creating for yourself this year. Write quickly and don’t censor your writing. Journaling this way demonstrates the Water element at its best. If it’s difficult to do, you may need to balance the Water element. If possible, store your journal in your Knowledge area.
  2. Place an affirmation inviting more clarity, written in the present tense, in your Knowledge or Fame area. It could be a simple statement such as “I am now clear about what I desire and the steps I can take to get it.”
  3. Either before or after you clarify your intention(s), find a word or phrase that sets the context for what you’re intending to create. Even if you’re not clear about what you want, you probably have a sense of how you want to feel. Capture that feeling! My phase this year is Transformation Through Play. For me, this means going with the flow and trying out new things. This particular phrase represents the Fire element.
  4. 4. Create a visual display or treasure map. Be sure to include the context or feeling you discovered in step three. If you already know of actions or steps you can take, then include them in your display. As you gain clarity, you can add to it or make another one. The ideal place to display your treasure map is in your Fame area.

If it’s not convenient, appropriate, or you have people in your life that might criticize your goals, store your journal and visual display in a closet or area that’s out of site, but where you will see them regularly.

Tips for accelerating the realization of your intentions:
  • Write them down. Be specific about what you want to be, do, or have.
  • Repeat them aloud to yourself several times a day while visualizing the end result—especially first thing in the morning and before going to bed. Be persistent and continue to do this regardless of the result.
  • View your treasure map at least once a day.
  • Decide on a reward and stick to it! For a large goal, it’s a good to have small rewards as you achieve milestones along the way and a large reward at the end.
  • If you meditate, ask for clarity before you meditate.
  • Before going to bed, ask for a clarifying or informative dream. Then, the next morning, reflect or journal about any dream images that you recall.

Next month’s article will explore the Chinese year, which begins on February 3rd.

We’re leaving the Tiger behind and beginning the year of the Metal Rabbit. This shift moves us into much gentler energy and is also an opportunity for a smooth transition.

May 2011 bring blessings beyond your wildest dreams!


© 2011 • Suzanne Metzger, Feng Shui Consulting Services • All Rights Reserved

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